Our club invites members, partners and guests to various activities ranging from local visits, luncheons and functions to overnight and longer organised trips. Members are encouraged to attend as these outings are not only interesting and fun but are also very welcoming social events.
1. Details of activities are advertised at meetings, in the Newsletters and on this website. Newsletters and Activities can be accessed from the above menu and members are encouaged to print the information for future reference.
2. They may be booked with the organiser and paid for in the usual way.
3. Bookings are required as early as possible as some are dependent on numbers attending while participants in others are limited.
4. If you have any enquiries, please contact the organiser who is listed in details of each particular activity.
(Preferred payment)
Probus Moss Vale
BSB 032723
Account 750434
Attach your name to all payments.
Place your payment in an envelope with your name and the payment information written on the front and hand it to the treasurer at a meeting.
Post cheques to :-
Probus Club of Moss Vale,
PO Box 456,
Contact Activities Organiser
Phone: 0414 255 770
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